MSA Meridian Stress Assessment

Not Feeling Well? Get To The Root of Your Health Issues.

Einstein convinced the world that energy is matter and matter is energy. If this is so, then our physical body, comprised of matter/energy, should be affected by energy.
I am an RN with a PhD in Nutrition and my background is based in chemistry and biology. I implemented in my practice a tool to quickly help me identify areas within the body that needed support. Most of the individuals who consult with me have various complaints but their lab readings are all within normal limits. It is said that over 70% pf patients experience functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological diagnostics, yet the patient still experiences a myriad of symptoms. Functional medicine helps detect and identify these energetic and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be detected early – even from the very beginning of a preclinical phase (when you display symptoms, but nobody can identify their cause). Disease does not begin with pathology, but with a preclinical phase. Functional disturbances occur when a living organism can no longer compensate adequately for changes in the environment. Environmental changes include both internal conditions of the body and external circumstances. Ideally, it would make good sense to assess a patient using functional evaluation methods and treatment protocols. These methods have shown effective in not only helping to identify and correct preclinical disorders and symptomology, but also in reducing or even reversing morphological and pathological deterioration. Functional medicine is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and therapeutic gaps. Backed by over 50 years of research, this technology clearly continues to deliver life-changing results. Economically, considerable time and substantial amounts of money could be saved simply by taking advantage of the benefits of this powerful technology in the emerging field of functional medicine.

Re-establishing balance to the energetic pathways (that run through all organs, glands, and tissues) may hold the key to restoring and maintaining optimum health. This approach is not looking for any particular disease state, and therefore no claims of diagnosis are made.
MSA is a FDA registered EAV (Electro Acupuncture according to Voll) device that non-invasively, and at no risk to you, screens for energetic imbalances that reflect imbalances in your physiology, and/or the presence of toxicity.

​MSA​ testing, you are energetically connected with the ​MSA ​software as you grasp two metal bars. Thousands of individual frequencies, corresponding to physiologic conditions or toxins, rapidly course through your body. If an applied frequency encounters a molecule that shares its frequency, then “resonance” occurs, such that the return signal of that frequency will register as a voltage drop. This signifies that the entity “looked for” by the specific frequency is present in your body. The​ MSA ​software sends in signals that cause the body’s meridian networks to “work together”, allowing toxic foci to be identified.
This concept, which combines concepts of Homeopathy, Physiology, and Quantum Physics, is not new. The MSA is the culmination of decades of research and experience, building upon the work of Dr. Voll over half a century ago.
​The MSA will register frequency imbalances corresponding to physiologic abnormalities, and will then suggest remedies; innovative formulas designed to provide natural regenerative energy that will “balance” the problems identified.

Understanding Your MSA ​Evaluation

1st, don’t panic.

​MSA ​does not diagnose disease states. ​MSA​ does pick up energetic abnormalities, energetic abnormalities that correspond to physiologic abnormalities or toxic conditions, that in turn contribute to or lead to specific disease states, now or in and future. Most of us will have ​weakened or stressed areas​ on our initial ​MSA ​exam.
2nd, don’t react with disbelief or anger when

​ MSA ​finds problems that you are not aware of. Remember, before cancer is seen on an X-Ray or felt as a mass, it has been growing for 6 years, and before that, the organ involved was likely subjected to toxicity and inflammation over a decade. In standard medicine, we “diagnose” coronary artery disease when you experience chest pain and we find a high grade narrowing on your angiogram. In digital homeopathy, we are looking for the conditions that underlie coronary disease, or any disease, or any threat to your health, well before it shows up as a symptom, a lump, or as an X-ray or laboratory abnormality. ​MSA​ can point out “problems of the future”. Also, don’t be surprised if ​MSA​ picks up a “problem of the past”, that you thought had been resolved long ago.
3rd, don’t be embarrassed when

​MSA​ points out emotional issues that may be contributing to ill health. Events in our childhood that our brains could not understand or process can become emotional scars that contribute to health problems today. There appears to be a strong link between emotional strain and one’s susceptibility to toxicity. ​Using the MSA and other modalities I ​attempt to energetically address the emotional strains associated with health conditions and toxicities. All of us have emotional issues; we are all human.

​MSA​ is not perfect. It does not possess 100% sensitivity and specificity. If ​MSA​ detects in you a frequency signature not “known” in its hard drive, a label will be placed on it corresponding to that of the closest frequency that it “knows about”. ​MSA​ doesn’t “know” everything.
Treatments/supplements that energetically balance the energetic abnormalities found on your

​MSA ​ evaluation are predicted to be of value to you, and will be listed. At your next office visit, I may recommend specific supplements or actions based upon your ​MSA​ evaluation.

In Energy Medicine, the approach to optimal health is a little like peeling off the layers of an onion. Take the​ remedies​ for 4-​6 weeks. Then repeat the ​MSA​ evaluation. The report will be different!  Many of your initial problems will have cleared, to be replaced not by “new”, but by “deeper” problems not seen on the initial scan. Take a new set of remedies for another ​4-​6 weeks and then be rescanned.